Saturday, February 25, 2017


Aaaaand that completes this little arc of Max Zing, Warlord of Io, Ruler of the Solar System and Rock Star of Jupiter Orbit.

You'll have to read the set backwards, of course, starting with the earliest in the sequence, for the full effect.

Yes, I know. So annoying. Such is life.

It's best read with a pastry and a beverage; coffee or tea is recommended. French Roast or even a strong Starbucks brew, but depends on your temperament.

The pastry should be large enough to last the entire sequence, but does not need to be entirely consumed by the last strip, so don't rush.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Sometimes, our dear little dictator Max Zing is bewildered by the avant garde.