Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gilligan's Island of DEATH!

What if Ming the Merciless had Charlie Brown for a son? What if Dilbert ruled a space moon? Why, it'd be just like Max Zing! The hilarious sequel to "Warlord of Io" follows Maximillian Zing, the new Warlord of the Ion Empire, as he continues his "rule" with more attention to his comics, tv, and video games than...well, anything else!

Welcome to Max Zing: The Amazing Sedentary Adventures. It's my little venture into the realm of comic strips. One, two, three, punch line! A difficult and demanding format to be sure, requiring rocket science like expertise.

A collection of the strips is available on Comixology and Amazon, amazingly enough. Yeah, baby! You heard me: it exists in printed format. Check out the links if you don't believe me. Trees died for this. Probably at least two small ones. Just my small way to contribute to the ruination of the environment and end of the world. I have my hockey armour and mohawk all ready.

Max is a spin off from my graphic novel, Warlord of Io, a wantonly silly celebration of sci-fi. Retro-sci-fi, like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers and all of that Frank R. Paul stuff. Wanton in a playful, all ages kind of way that is.

Why do such a project? Why waste what precious little time I have in this world on such an eccentric missive to genre? Well, after school I'd watch things like Star Trek or Doctor Who, between episodes of Gilligan's Island. Ah, such happy, simple minded times. How things have changed. A reboot of Gilligan now would have them hunting and eating each other. 

Gilligan's Island of DEATH. 


Hope you enjoy the strips. I'm posting them in order, so you're reading them backwards if you're starting with the latest. As an unwise man once said: 'D'oh!'

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