Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Jupiter Subsystem, realm of Max Zing, Warlord of Io

Can you believe this thing? It's craziness. A map of Jupiter and it's sixty-odd moons, a micro galaxy of adventure for Max Zing to frolic in. Most of the moons are little more than small rocks, but realism is not exactly a feature of the series. 

Who would bother wasting time developing something like this? Me. That's who. Time well wasted, I might add. I could have been watching Jerry Springer.

Surprisingly, Jupiter does have rings, just not as flashy as the ostentatious bling around Saturn. Io itself is connected to Jupiter by an electropole. Fly through it and be fried by radiation. Yep. Lots of amazing stuff to be found around my favourite gas giant god. 

Malls, floating coral, plasma fields, giant monsters, shells, derelicts, ruins, and more pepper the space scape. Lots of places for future books to explore. Well. If there were future books, which there aren't, and likely won't be. 

Still, it was a fun nowhere man exercise, creating my very own cute, miniature, fuzzy retro-future universe (I like thinking it's fuzzy). Learned a few things along the way to boot, which is always a bonus. 

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